Friday, September 9, 2016

It is time to THINK about voting.

The Chatham County Board of Elections website has posted the Sample Ballot for November at this site: In addition to national and state races, we must elect two county commissioners, ten justices and judges, and other County positions.

Some positions have only one candidate running. Feel free to provide a write-in name if you want someone else.

County Democrat activists, and also maybe Republican activists if there are any, will be more than happy to provide you their particular flavors of sample ballots with their particular candidates marked as you should vote.

DO NOT USE EITHER ONE! You, and you alone as a voter are responsible for understanding the candidates and the issues.

Both local parties are providing ample opportunities to meet and greet particular candidates. Get off the couch, go to candidate events from both parties, listen and ask questions. Pay attention to local and national media; follow social media; but, be careful of how media will spin the truth for one candidate or another. Political ads, especially from national candidates are generally not worth hearing. Think, think again, sift through the accusations and false promises, and decide for yourself.

Early in-person voting begins on October 20 at several election sites throughout the county and at the Board of Elections. You can also vote absentee at, or vote on Election Day, November 8. Despite what some may claim, we have ample opportunities to vote. Make informed choices.