A big thankyou to Carol Hay, Brad Page, and Ms. Bair for confirming what I said about the League of Women Voters. While offering no facts to dispute my position that the LWV is not non-partisan, they did state that the league supports abortion, abhors voter integrity (voter ID), blames the Republicans for destroying bipartisanship, and so on. A true non-partisan organization would provide the policies of all parties, and would welcome opposing viewpoints to present all sides of an issue to our voting citizens. Likewise, their personal attacks on me are an attempt to mislead the general public on the policies of the LWV and their membership.
Not examples of what I would call non-partisan.
Again, and again, I will continue to say that voters need to do their own research on candidates, platforms, and individually determine how they cast their votes. Please Do Not blindly accept what the parties, and their collaborators, would like you to believe. Regarding organizations like the League of Women Voters, check out their website. Try to discuss opposing points of view and see how well you are received.
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