Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Commissioner's meeting on Zoning

Chatham Co Commissioner's Meeting on Zoning

I attended the Chatham County Commissioner's Meeting on Monday evening. The Historic County Courthouse courtroom was filled to over capacity, with another 100 or so individuals listening on speakers downstairs.

What was the reason for such a crowd? Ostensibly to provide input to the Commissioners on the County's plan to zone all of Chatham County. Once the meeting started each speaker had three minutes to present comments to the Board.

Of those speakers where I could determine a strong position one way or the other, about 15 spoke against zoning, while about 10 spoke for zoning. Comments against zoning seemed to center around the lack of a need for zoning, lack of clarity around zoning rules and requirements, bad timing for zoning now, increased personal costs, creating conditions for uncontrolled growth, and the lack of concern by the Commissioners to listen to those citizens who will be subject to zoning. Several commenters stated that the Commission was going against the recommendations of its own Planning Board. Comments for zoning centered around a perceived need to protect farmland and Chatham County's rural character.

Most interesting to me was the discussion between the Commissioners after the public comment period. Commissioner Walter Petty summed up the concerns of many in the audience: that the people in the County were not made fully aware of zoning implications, that concerns could be better handled by regulations, and that County Commissioners, if they chose to, could continue discussions to find a common ground between pro- and con-zoning sides. Commissioner Howard said she found little value in hearing opinions from  Chatham Co citizens since she, and the Board, had already made the decision to zone. Commissioner Hales agreed that she was moving forward with zoning.

So, what value was this zoning meeting? It seems very little. The citizens who spoke against a rapid rush to zoning apparently have no valued opinions, and the Commissioners are going to do what they are going to do. I'm not against zoning as a concept. I just don't think the current Board has the best interests in mind of those citizens who are opposed to yet another level of government intrusion and oversight into private property and into individual decisions, nor does it wish any further public discussion about their zoning decision.

What should a concerned citizen do? Bone up on what has already been discussed, on the positions and promises of our politicians, and on the actions of our county committees. There are three long-range planning meetings scheduled: June 21 at Horton Middle School, June 22 at Margaret Pillard Middle School, and June 23 at J.S. Waters Elementary School  (each from 5:00 - 7:00 PM). Attend one and provide your opinions. The next Planning Board Meeting is set for July 12: show up and give your thoughts. Attend the next Commissioner's meeting on July 18 and continue to express concerns about the process and lack of empathy for citizen input. And, finally, you have the power to make changes. Vote in November.

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