Thursday, June 23, 2016

How can anyone support Hillary?

Remember the name 'Bryan Pagliano'.

Let's refresh everyone's memory.

Hillary Clinton ran an email server out of a bathroom closet at her home in New York. On this non-government computer she conducted some of the most sensitive business in the State Department. Thousands of classified messages have been found in her email archives. Thousands more have been deleted because they were 'personal' - probably only dealing with graft and corruption in the Clinton Foundation.

Pagliano was Hillary Clinton's computer specialist.

Yesterday he was in a legal deposition to answer questions. Despite the fact he's been given immunity from prosecution, he refused to answer questions and invoked his fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination over 125 times during the deposition.

This is not a man with nothing to hide.

What is he hiding about the presumptive Democrat nominee for President?

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